Flashback to Lah'mu

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Source: Rogue One Marvel Graphic Novel Adaptation.

The Rogue One Marvel Graphic Novel Adaptation features another flashback.

Notes: I have found no evidence that Saw landing on and walking across Lah'mu was filmed.

Notes: This 'flashback' appears to be from no specific character's point of view. It opens the 2nd issue of the Rogue One Marvel Graphic Novel Adaptation and the next page cuts straight to a different scene with Bodhi Rook and Bor Gullet.

The flashback that occurs at this point in the finished film is a mix of a very young Jyn on Coruscant watching her parents and Orson Krennic talking, quick shot's of young Jyn in the hiding spot on Lah'mu and the hatch opening to reveal Saw Gerrera.
The flashback in the finished film then cut's to Jyn waking and is clearly meant to be from her point of view.

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